About Me & My Blog

On a broad level, social justice is the goal of creating equality for all people. This can be achieved in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and religion – practically in any category in which there lies a spectrum of possible identities among humans. If we focus on the United States as a social space, these inequalities arose because one group with certain attributes came into power and decided that this was what the “norm” should be. American colonists (typically white, Christian, heterosexual men) displaced indigenous people and set up a system that prized their identities and marginalized all others. Since the original colonization, groups with “non-privileged” identities have strived to nullify pervasive beliefs (often non-conscious, too) that there is a certain hierarchy to these differences. Nevertheless, there is the trend in the U.S. to create a socially just society – one that celebrates identities instead of marginalizing differences.

Given that I identify as a gay male, equality around issues concerning sexual orientation are very important to me, both on the institutional level – such as the workplace and marriage – and on the cognitive front – such as attitudes, beliefs and perceptions. Blogging about what I am personally invested in is not just a place to offer up my personal feelings, but it is a chance to tie in viewpoints from multiple realms. This includes academic literature, observations from the world, personal experiences and comments from viewers. All of these factors provide a rich perspective on equality around sexual orientation that stagnant mediums such as newspapers and articles do not offer. Don’t get me wrong, I still love sources such as the Huffington Post, and I frequently read articles on gay issues. However, a blog allows a community to interact over an issue instead of just one person.

I have had the opportunity to compose blogs before for my study abroad in Grenoble, France and then again for my internship in Marseille, France. However, these blogs were mostly experiential and touched upon cultural observations and less contested issues. This will be my first blog that addresses a social justice inequality, and one in particular that is quite salient to me. More specifically, my blogs will have a common thread around the pros and cons of the “gay best friend.” Therefore, it is important that in writing this blog, I am cognizant of how I address the issue on a personal and professional level. While I may have a personal investment since I consider myself playing into the role as the tokenized “gay best friend,” I want to offer critical insights that are removed from my emotional attachment to this issue.

Thus, this class will offer me the opportunity to see growth in my writing and blogging abilities. I will also be able to assess my progress over the course of this semester on a metacognitive level – understanding how my thought process behind my writing and my abilities to draw in knowledge from readings aids in the creation of reflective and insightful blog pieces. Additionally, I do not want my blog to just contain personal anecdotes and acumens but instead bring about a discussion with multiple viewpoints from the classroom blogging community.

(This post can also be found on my about page)

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