Gay Men will Marry Your Girlfriends

If you haven’t viewed this yet, it is a must-see! This viral video, produced by CollegeHumor several months ago, received about 4.5 million views on YouTube. It is witty and comically overplays the gay best friend / straight girl relationship. It essentially hyperbolizes the idea that the gay best friend is so perfect for straight girls that he will eventually replace the necessity of a straight boyfriend.

Videos in general that highlight the gay best friend role or in this case, the gay husband role, offer both positive and negative viewpoints on gay men. On one hand, they show how great we are – we are so great that straight females want us around all the time! But on the other hand, they show how commoditized, interchangeable, stereotypical and fashionable gay men are perceived to be. Essentially if gay men fall outside of this category, they could feel undesired and unwanted on both a societal and personal level. Gay men have a broad array of interests and personality traits, but only a select few are celebrated.

If you are a gay man and like sports? Not cool. Like shopping and froyo? Super hip.

If you are a straight man and like sports? Desirable. Like shopping and froyo? Sexuality is questioned.

Essentially, if you fall outside of this socially constructed box, you don’t fit in well.

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