The Psychology of the GBF-Straight Woman Relationship

A recent article from Psychology Today published in February 2013 explains research-corroborated reasons for the ubiquitous existence of the fag hag, or fruit fly (straight women who prefer to associate and hang out with gay men). Studies show that straight women choose to surround themselves with gay men because they give honest  relationship advice. Other women can be too catty, evidenced by an evolutionary way of staying competitive with each other.

This shows that there is a meaningful underpinning to their relationship beyond the commonly held belief that gay men and straight women share a love of fashion and beauty products. This is very fascinating given that most of media and popular culture focuses on the superficial aspects of the relationship, when in fact there is a deep rooted evolutionary advantage to the friendship.

So, if you are a self-identified “fag hag” or “fruit fly,” you can have solace in knowing that this will help you out in the long run in terms of potential dating relationships.

girls who like boys who like boys

*Image from:

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